1. Renville Park
Renville Park is located a few minutes away from the hotel. It is a wonderful amenity, created around an ancient castle, a stately home and a fine estate demesne, which dates from the 16th century.
- Looped walks with paved paths suitable for kids’ scooter & bikes
- Explore the ruins of Renville House
- Renville Castle, a 16th century tower house
- An extensive playground with picnic and BBQ area nearby
- Exercise equipment
- Some fabulous views of Galway Bay, Galway City and the Burren of County Clare can be enjoyed
- Lots of wildlife – look out for ravens, grey herons and otters and check out the pond while you are there
- During the summer there is a coffee and ice-cream van in the park close to the playground.
2. Renville Beach
Make it a full day out by parking at the bottom car park of Renville Park and then take the coast road out to the harbour. It is a 4k walk to the point and be warned it is a little bumpy so not completely buggy friendly. The beach is rocky, not sandy – a nice one to gather some rocks or try your hand at stone skimming.
3. Oranmore Castle
Visit a Norman castle on your trip to Galway. Oranmore Castle was built between the 13th and 15th centuries. Originally a De Burgo (Burke) stronghold, An Cáislean Mór or The Castle of the Well played a pivotal part in the defence of Galway during the Confederate Rebellion in the 1640s: provisions were shipped from the castle to the besieged fort of Galway.
Left abandoned to the elements in 1853, it was bought in 1945 by Lady Leslie for her daughter, the writer Anita Leslie, whose daughter Leonie continues to reside in the castle. Today, Oranmore Castle is an enchanting, welcoming paradise of art, music and history. A wonderfully atmospheric stronghold on the edge of Galway Bay, Oranmore Castle was featured on “Scariest Places on Earth” (US Television and YouTube) and is reputed to be haunted. It is advised to contact the property directly prior to visiting.
4. Oranmore Playground
Located behind the car park in the centre of the village this compact but well equipped playground is another family favourite in Oranmore. Equipment includes climbing fort with slide, baby swings, older swings, roundabout, climbing frame and bouncy seats.
5. Visit the Oranmore Swans
The Oranmore swans come every year to the river and a few years ago became famous making it onto RTÉ news when some citizens kindly built them a nesting platform. The easiest way to find the swans is to park at Oran Town Centre and cross the road to visit the little park with the sculptured walls before crossing over the other road to the bridge with views over Oranmore bay and to Oranmore castle. The swans are usually to be found gracefully floating around the river or on their platform.
Staying in Galway?